Mission – Vision

Our mission – Maximize the quality of work and customer satisfaction in all areas of our business. To be modern, entrepreneurial, understanding and responsible. Develop and implement safe, high-quality and economical construction projects. Give priority to the satisfaction of our customers.
Our vision – Meda Construction is an innovative and open engineering construction company operating worldwide. Meda Construction is a reliable, consistent, profitable brand.
Our values – High customer satisfaction. Strong and experienced staff using advanced technology. Occupational safety. Ethical conduct. Respect for human and nature. MEDA accepted values as rules of work. MEDA employees fulfill their responsibilities in accordance with these values and understand that this is the key to success.
To be innovative: to achieve excellence, constantly improve yourself and use advanced technology.
Safety and health: to recognize our responsibility for the health and safety of our employees, customers and the entire community.
Ethical conduct: to achieve the highest ethical standards, following firm principles in the work.
Excellent service: to provide all our services with high quality, passion and excellence.
An excellent team: to encourage innovative ideas for further success in our industry, to develop the knowledge and experience of employees.
Respect for human and nature: to show respect and constantly to think about people and nature is the basis of our success.
Our priorities
We conduct ongoing analysis of industry dynamics, information obtained during inspections and feedback from stakeholders. This is how sustainability issues are formed that may become priorities.
MEDA’s sustainable development priorities are defined in an intensive dialogue involving internal and external stakeholders. The priority-setting workshop has been spending in conjunction with the Sustainable Development Committee, representing top management. Sustainability issues are of strategic importance to MEDA.
Risk Management
Risk management is one of the priority tasks in all processes of MEDA activity. Management constantly encourages a risk-based approach.
Quality management
In order to fulfill the requirements of the contract and achieve the objectives of the project, so that the work complies with the relevant rules and regulations, we are developing a project implementation plan.
The project implementation plan is the main document of the project, in which:
– describe the strategy, processes and procedures to be followed;
– define the framework and rules for project management.
Qualified engineers create technical and design documentation on the latest software. Our employees underwent the necessary training and use special equipment and reliable tools when performing work. To maintain the quality of design and construction, inspectors test and monitor each stage of work.
Our employees
Our most important asset is our employees. We identified and apply the necessary standards and operations for work in a safe and comfortable working environment. All employees have equal opportunities in recruitment, training, development, promotion and remuneration. We exclude any kind of discrimination: gender, religion, language, race, skin color, sexual orientation, etc.
Professional development
We view each project as a global invitation that MEDA strongly accepts. MEDA employees influence the development of quality and safety tools and systems that has been using today in complex projects. Join us if you value teamwork, want to develop your career and contribute to taking the MEDA project to a new level.
Information Technology
We at MEDA use the most modern tech, this allows us to carry out projects with the highest quality and ideal costs. Tech is the key to achieving our goals in the face of fierce competition in the market.
Occupational Health and Safety Management
Health and safety at MEDA begins with top management. Occupational health and safety have the highest priority. All employees know and abide by the OSH in all MEDA business processes. At all levels of the OSH management system, MEDA combines proactive and reactive approaches.
A proactive approach is a mandatory stage of risk management in OSH at MEDA. We pre-inspect workplaces and identify possible dangers, analyze, evaluate and develop measures for risk management and accident prevention.
At MEDA, we believe that with the right approach to planning and practice, all accidents can be prevented.
Environmental Management
Our goal is “zero damage” to the environment wherever we work. We are constantly working to minimize the impact of our activities on the environment, taking into account the natural and geographical features of the regions in which we operate.
At the initial stage of all our projects, we conduct a detailed analysis of the “Environmental Impact Assessment”. As a result of this analysis, we create a waste management plan whose goal is to “reduce or eliminate sources of waste”. We regularly audit environmental events and monitor our environmental performance.
We timely implement the necessary improvements.
MEDA is a world-class company operating in various industries. The structure of our financial department is such that we have every opportunity to quickly meet the needs of the company while working on the project. We can prepare all the necessary financial information and provide financial support to the projects and companies of the group.
We are able to provide reasonable financial support in a timely manner to ensure that the workflow does not stop, and, as a result, reduce the risks of project implementation delays. To be prepared to finance projects, we work closely with many national and international financial institutions.
The most important objective of MEDA accounting is the provision of accurate accounting information and data on the company’s operations.
Our bookkeeping is a close-knit team that:
– prepares and approves financial statements, enters them into ledgers accord with law;
– prepares financial statements accord with generally accepted accounting standards, law, and company operation;
– creates operational reports on various financial issues.
We carry out all financial transactions accurately, fully and on time.
Financial Control
Financial control is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal control over the accounting and financial operations of the company.
In addition, one of the fundamental responsibilities of financial control is to monitor projects and take precautions in the event of non-compliance with project performance requirements. Control is carried out at established control points from the tender stage to the limits of the project, to the monitoring and audit of the financial and cost indicators of each project.
Address: 197374, Sank-Peterburg, Yakhtennaya ulitsa, Dom 10, Litera A, Pomesheniye 3-H
Phone: +7 812 384 74 27
E-mail: info@medaconstruction.com